CHERRY: Dynamic Cache Manager for Fast-efficient Start-up in PMEM based Cloud System
In few years, the paradigm of cloud service has been microservice architecture for serverless computing. To achieve it, their services has changed into container-based services, and this transition made it possible for providers to supply them in lighter environment. However, these services, especially Function as a Service (FaaS), involve restart overhead problem and most of its solution are focused on the warm-start problems. On the other hand, our project targets cold-start overhead problem of container-based service. To solve this problem, our project presents management system using persistent memory (PMM) and introduces two main techniques. First one is container layer caching operation using persistent memory, and second one is dynamic management operation following PMM usage. Our results show that the layer caching in PMM achieves higher performance in cold-start state than SSD and NVMe. Moreover, the system provides more flexible utilization of PMM by adopting dynamic transition of PMM capacity limitation.